Welcome to SkillsUSA Ohio


SkillsUSA’s Program of Work is delivered through 18,000 SkillsUSA member sections (classrooms) in more than 4,000 schools (chapters) in all 50 states, Washington DC and two U.S. territories. These schools are comprehensive high schools with career and technical curricula, regional career and technical education centers, and two-year colleges.


One hundred thirty (130) trade, technical and skilled service occupational titles are represented in the curricula of SkillsUSA member students, they cover the construction, manufacturing, transportation, health science, information technology, communications, personal services, hospitality, public safety, and engineering technologies industries.

In February thru March 2013, 1,200 SkillsUSA advisors reported:

What Is SkillsUSA?

SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving high school, college and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations, and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel.

More than 345,000 students and advisors join SkillsUSA each year, organized into more than 19,000 local chapters and 52 state and territorial associations. In 2017-18, 20,926 teachers served as professional members and SkillsUSA advisors. Combining alumni membership, the total number reached annually is over 427,000. SkillsUSA has served more than 13.5 million members since its founding in 1965.


If you’re new to SkillsUSA, or talk to someone who is new to it, this might be one of the first questions that comes up. With comments from members and supporters alike, including longtime supporter Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs, Somebody’s Gotta Do It, Deadliest Catch, Returning the Favor,) the video below goes much further in defining the organization from a personal level. Nearly 12 million lives positively affected since SkillsUSA’s founding in 1965, and more are being added to that tally every day.

What Is SkillsUSA?

SkillsUSA is a national membership association serving high school, college and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations, and for further education. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel.

More than 345,000 students and advisors join SkillsUSA each year, organized into more than 19,000 local chapters and 52 state and territorial associations. In 2017-18, 20,926 teachers served as professional members and SkillsUSA advisors. Combining alumni membership, the total number reached annually is over 427,000. SkillsUSA has served more than 13.5 million members since its founding in 1965.


If you’re new to SkillsUSA, or talk to someone who is new to it, this might be one of the first questions that comes up. With comments from members and supporters alike, including longtime supporter Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs, Somebody’s Gotta Do It, Deadliest Catch, Returning the Favor,) the video below goes much further in defining the organization from a personal level. Nearly 12 million lives positively affected since SkillsUSA’s founding in 1965, and more are being added to that tally every day.

Who can be in SkillsUSA?

SkillsUSA Ohio is open to any student enrolled in a career-technical education pathway. SkillsUSA Ohio as a diverse body of schools, advisors, and students as members. We believe it’s one of the best parts of SkillsUSA Ohio! Everyone has a different story to tell, a different path they took to get to where they are, and a different reason to do what they do.


To start a SkillsUSA chapter at your school you need at least one teacher and six students at a comprehensive high school with career and technical curricula, regional career-technical education center, or two-year colleges. You will also need BYLAWS and a CHARTER, please download the resources here:


To access SkillsUSA’s online registration system, you will be leaving SkillsUSA’s Ohio’s main site and entering the registration site.


You MUST be an advisor or professional member to use this site.


If you need help you can follow the Membership Registration Guide!

Benefits for Teachers & More

Becoming a professional member of SkillsUSA is one of the best ways you can demonstrate to your students the importance of the organization and the opportunities that membership will provide. As a professional member, you will receive online access to the following:


  • 2024-2025 SkillsUSA Championships National Technical Standards
  • Jump into STEM! curriculum
  • Career Essentials: Foundations

SkillsUSA professional members, as a free member benefit, receive the aforementioned items when they have submitted a current and accurate email address along with their membership details. The latest SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards is available online to professional members as part of their paid membership. Once membership has been submitted, an email will be sent to the address on file which will include a pin number to access the items electronically:



  • As a special membership incentive, register at least 15 student members in your training program plus one or more professionals by Nov. 15, and you will receive a free educational resource item, Impact: Experiential Activities that Launch Productive Teams (value $9.95).

  • Instructors who register with 100-percent membership plus one or more professionals will also receive a SkillsUSA Program of Work calendar (value: $5.95).

  • SkillsUSA national dues for student members are $8 plus state dues, which vary.
    For instructors, national dues are $20 plus state dues, which vary. Student members must meet both the state and national deadline to be eligible for national competition, serve as voting delegates or national officer candidates. The national membership deadline is March 1, but many state deadlines fall earlier. 

  • To enjoy full membership services, names submitted by Nov. 15 receive all membership services for the current school year, including free teacher items when applicable. Student membership runs from Aug. 1 to July 31 each year.

  • 2019-2020 SkillsUSA Championships National Technical Standards
  • Jump into STEM! curriculum
  • Career Essentials: Foundations

The benefits don’t stop there! In addition to the already mentioned benefits, there is even more teachers can receive from having a SkillsUSA membership. Including:


SkillsUSA Magazine Subscription
All SkillsUSA members receive a subscription to SkillsUSA Champions, the official publication of the organization. Postmark your roster by Nov. 15 to receive all four issues for this school year. Back issues available upon request (limited quantities).


Scholarship Opportunities for Students
SkillsUSA members have opportunities for more than $1 million in scholarships, contests, awards and honors. Review the scholarships pagefor more information.


Professional Membership Cards
All SkillsUSA Professional members are mailed their Membership Cards and a renewal letter separately each fall. Watch your mail for this wallet card, and call our membership office at 800-355-8422 if you do not receive it.

How Does SkillsUSA
Work In The Classroom?

Adding SkillsUSA to career and technical education and you’ll give your students further advantages. When SkillsUSA is integrated into the CTE program, all students develop the personal, workplace and technical skills that comprise the SkillsUSA Framework. ​ SkillsUSA activities develop positive attitudes, build self-esteem and empower students to excel. They give students a head start in developing valuable professional skills such as communications, interpersonal abilities, time management, teamwork and more. Because SkillsUSA works hand-in-hand with business and industry, students get the skills employers want.

The heart of SkillsUSA is the program of work or what your chapter is going to do. It is the activities and projects—the plan of action—that your chapter will carry out during the school year.


The national Program of Work (POW) sets the pace for SkillsUSA nationwide. The expectation is that each chapter will carry out this program of work. All of the SkillsUSA programs are in some way related to the following seven major goals. It serves as the practice environment for students to implement the framework skills.


To prepare each SkillsUSA member for entry into the workforce and provide a foundation for success in a career. Becoming a professional does not stop with acquiring a skill, but involves an increased awareness of the meaning of good citizenship and the importance of labor and management in the world of work.


To promote and improve good will and understanding among all segments of the community through services donated by SkillsUSA chapters, and to instill in its members a lifetime commitment to community service.


To increase student awareness of quality job practices and attitudes, and to increase the opportunities for employer contact and eventual employment.


To plan and participate in fundraising activities to allow all members to carry out the chapter’s projects. See our special Chapter Fundraising section for more information.


To offer students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and be recognized for them through competitive activities in occupational areas and leadership.


To make the general public aware of the good work that students in career and technical education are doing to better themselves and their community, state, nation and world.


To increase cooperation in the school and community through activities that allow SkillsUSA members to get to know each other in something other than a business or classroom setting.


The students should discuss and develop their own plan. Your role is to help them select activities which relate to their vocational training and to guide them as they develop their personal skills in communications, organization, planning and follow-through.


Chapter activities will provide some of the best opportunities your students will have to learn by doing. A successful program of work creates a positive learning atmosphere in the classroom and shop. Your students learn how to accept responsibility, work as a team, manage a budget, and handle success and failure.

Career and Technical Education is an important part of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) educational goals established by the Department of Education. CTE is a catalyst for STEM education. We know there are unfilled STEM jobs and the gap for students in STEM fields is widening.

Often times when individuals think about STEM, they think of scientists and engineers which is right target. However, what doesn’t come to mind are the numerous high wage, high skilled, high demand careers that for which CTE is preparing students.

The magic of CTE is the definition of STEM not just Science or Technology, Engineering or Math but the integration of two or more of these topics in the context that students are passionate about. Without the combination of two or more of the STEM components you are not teaching STEM. That is why CTE is a perfect fit for STEM education.

This is an exciting time for CTE teachers and SkillsUSA advisors. The country needs highly-trained employees in both technical and employability skills to begin to bridge the skilled labor gap. There has never been a better time to be skilled in America and we believe there has never been a better time to be involved in CTE and SkillsUSA.

SkillsUSA Framework

Watch this video to get an idea about the framework of SkillsUSA.

Payment & Vendor Information




2550 Corporate Exchange Drive STE 115

Columbus, OH 43231


SkillsUSA Ohio Office:

2550 Corporate Exchange Drive, Suite 115
Columbus, OH 43231

Ohio Department of Education & Workforce:

25 S. Front St MS #608

Columbus, OH 43215